Local and Regional Projects and Programs
This program provides funding and support to local and regional agencies to implement flood risk reduction projects and programs with demonstrable outcomes that improve community flood resilience. Funding is implemented in three distinct rounds, designed to encourage regional collaboration and prioritization of projects, allowing consideration of a broad array of impactful mitigation activities.

Types of Eligible Projects
- Restoration, enhancement or preservation of floodplains and wetlands
- Flood mitigation of critical infrastructure and stormwater management projects
- Buyout or elevation projects for flood-prone residential areas
- Voluntary relocation projects to move residents out of high flood risk areas
- Acquisition of floodplain easements in flood abatement areas or developments in repetitive loss areas
- Major capital projects that improve flood resilience or provide regional stormwater detention
- Implementation of resilient development standards and floodplain management regulations
- Housing developments using resilient construction practices
- Projects developed through LWI’s watershed modeling, statewide planning and regional planning efforts
For more details, see the Program Policies and Procedures
Round 1
Round 1 is a $100 million project-funding opportunity for eligible projects submitted by local and regional public entities. The focus is on implementation-ready, low-risk programs and projects that address flood risks through a watershed-based approach. The state scored submitted projects, with those scoring highest selected for $61.6 million in Round 1 funding. The remaining $40 million is distributed through regional project selections.

View the state and regional recommended projects and other Round 1 resources.
Project Name | Grantee | Region | Cost | Description |
Chatlin Lake Canal Backwater Overflow Relief Structure | City of Alexandria | 5 | $10 million | Construction of an outfall from Chatlin Lake Canal to the Red River |
Bayou Duplantier Floodplain Acquisition | East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness | 7 | $8.5 million | Purchase of about 200 acres along Bayou Duplantier to halt potential development in the area and preserve the floodway and floodplain in its natural condition |
Ward Creek Floodplain Acquisition | East Baton Rouge Parish Mayor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness | 7 | $5.7 million | Purchase of about 140 acres along Ward Creek to halt potential development in the area and preserve the floodway and floodplain in its natural condition |
Ockley Basin Storage | City of Shreveport | 1 | $5.36 million | Clearing, grading and earthwork to construct flood storage areas at Mansfield Road and Texas Avenue, Forest Park and Avery Street and Lawhon Street |
Huffman Creek Pump Station and Outfall Improvements | City of Pineville | 2 | $5.29 million | Demolition of two pump stations at Huffman Creek and development of an enlarged pump sump to accommodate two new hydraulic-driven pumps with capacity of 50,000 gallons per minute each Requires the acquisition of two residential properties and relocation of tenants |
Coulee Mine East Detention Project | Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government | 5 | $4.73 million | Construction of a landscaped detention pond |
Cypress Bayou Green Infrastructure | The Recreation and Park Commission of the Parish of East Baton Rouge | 7 | $4.69 million | Increase depths of several ponds in the area and reroute stormwater from surrounding waterways and drainage systems to these storage areas and open land |
Dellwood Drainage Pump Station Hardening | City of Slidell | 7 | $3.3 million | Construction of mechanical bar screens in front of the Dellwood Drainage Pump Station intake basin |
Church Point Detention and Flood Proofing | Town of Church Point | 5 | $2.94 million | Construction of two detention ponds—"Low Bottom" along Bayou Plaquemine and "West Corporation Pond" near the intersection of West Corporation Street and La. Hwy. 95—and elevation of equipment and controls at the wastewater treatment facility, as well as installing a generator and a transfer switch |
East Slidell Ring Levee | St. Tammany Parish Government | 7 | $2.85 million | Construction of about 18,500 linear feet of earthen levees to connect the gaps in the existing Slidell Ring Levee System, connecting existing Lakeshore Levee to the Kingspoint East Levee and the Kingspoint East Levee to U.S. Hwy. 190 |
Emergency Backup Pumps for Pump Stations | Lafourche Parish Government | 6 | $1.9 million | Purchase of eight new pumps to be used as backup at any of the 90 pump stations in Lafourche Parish |
Horseshoe Canal Hardening | City of Alexandria | 5 | $1.91 million | Construction of about 290 linear feet of reinforced concrete box culvert at Horseshoe Canal across U.S. Hwy. 165/South Masonic Drive |
Lee Street Drainage Pump Station Hardening | City of Slidell | 7 | $1.83 million | Construction of mechanical bar screens in front of the Lee Street Drainage Pump Station intake basin |
Bonadona-Cataldo Drainage Pump | Ascension Parish | 6 | $1.25 million | Replacement of drainage elements serving the Bonadona-Cataldo subdivision, including road ditch regrading, culvert and catch basin improvements or installation and driveway and asphalt replacement |
Coushatta Casino Resort Wastewater Treatment Plant Floodwall | Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana | 4 | $749,000 | Construction of a 4- to 5-foot floodwall around the perimeter of the Coushatta Casino Resort's Wastewater Treatment Plant |
Maringouin Drainage Improvements | Town of Maringouin | 6 | $659,500 | Improvements to the existing drainage systems, drainage structures and culverts, including sediment accumulation removal, regrading and hardening of open channels |
Project Name | Applicant | Region | Cost | Description |
East Natchitoches Drainage Improvements | Natchitoches Parish | 1 | $3.43 million | Construction of a stormwater conveyance ditch from the East Natchitoches Drainage Canal northward to an improved outfall at Cane River Lake |
Foxskin Bayou Drainage Improvements | Town of Haughton | 1 | $2.27 million | Construction of channel improvements along about 6,600 linear feet of Foxskin Bayou and a stormwater retention pond |
Bayou Lacombe Channel Improvements | Town of Mansura | 2 & 5 | $5.69 million | Hardening of 3,500 feet along Bayou Lacombe and selective clearing, snagging and debris removal of about a three-mile section of the bayou to remove obstructions from the flow channels |
Drainage Crossing Replacements | Town of Ball | 2 | $3.41 million | Reconstruction of 12 drainage crossings within the Town of Ball including the use of concrete pipes, concrete headwalls, channel hardening and realignment, channel cleaning, erosion protection, possible roadway raising, pavement replacement and one bridge replacement |
Youngs Bayou Detention Ponds | City of Monroe | 3 | $2.68 million | Construction of retention ponds near the confluence of Youngs Bayou, East Prong, West Prong, Oliver Road and Rogers Canal and adjacent to the Airport Canal |
Portable Pumps Parishwide | Ouachita Parish Police Jury | 3 | $2.68 million | Procurement and operation of about 10 portable pumps to be used in Region 3, either on skids or trailer mounted, as well as site preparation for pump pads and intake/discharge piping for connection at the pumps |
Georgia Street Pump Station | City of Monroe | 3 | $500,000 | Construction of a 45,000-gallon-per-minute pump station and one-mile force main to pump rainfall runoff to the Ouachita River |
Replacement of Ball Park Lift Station | City of Leesville | 4 | $630,900 | Replacement of an existing wastewater pumping station with a new pumping station |
Cypress Bayou and Coulee LaSalle Drainage Improvements | St. Martin Parish Government | 5 | $1 million | Regrading and enlargement of Cypress Bayou and Coulee LaSalle to increase the capacities from La. Hwy. 182 to Bayou Tortue at the Lafayette and St. Martin Parish line, as well as a bridge replacement on Hughes Road at Coulee LaSalle |
Abbeville Area Vermilion River Bridge Debris Barrier System | Vermilion Parish Police Jury | 5 | $550,000 | Excavation and removal of sediment that has built up under bridge crossings and installation of debris barriers to prevent vegetative debris from accumulating on or around the pilings and fender systems on the three bridges in the Abbeville area: La. Hwy. 14 bypass bridge, La. Hwy. 14 bridge and La. Hwy. 82 bridge |
White Castle Canal Drainage Improvement Project | Iberville Parish | 6 | $2.56 million | Dredging and regrading of 4.4 miles of the White Castle Canal channel bottom and immediate adjoining side slopes and removing garbage, debris and vegetation from within the channel |
Bayou Lafourche Pump Project | Ascension Parish | 6 | $2.1 million | Installation of two pump stations at proposed wet-well locations along Bayou Lafourche |
Jones Creek Detention Improvements | East Baton Rouge Parish | 7 | $6 million | Purchase of about 65 acres of the former Sherwood Forest golf course to prevent redevelopment of the area and to construct a detention basin and overflow structure, providing additional flood storage for the area |
- Round 1 Projects NOFA
- Eligible Pre-Application Projects
- Round 1 Projects Policies and Procedures
- Appendix A: Regional Steering Committee Conflict of Interest Identification, Reporting and Avoidance Process
- Appendix B: Evaluation and Scoring Criteria
- Appendix C: Professional Design Costs Supplemental Information
- Round 1 Projects FAQ
Round 2
Round 2 will make strategic project investments, reflecting lessons learned in Round 1 and addressing the need to enhance project development capacity and geographic dispersion of projects statewide. Round 2 will continue to elevate nature-based solutions and to ensure federal grant requirements are met.
This $100 million program provides technical assistance for projects submitted in Round 1 that did not receive funding. The focus is on projects that benefit HUD-identified most impacted and distressed areas and low- to moderate-income populations, as well as projects that incorporate nature-based solutions.
For more details, see the Program Policies and Procedures.
Event | Date |
Applicants notified of project scoping opportunity | Aug. 19, 2022 |
Deadline for applicants to respond with Notice of Interest | Aug. 29, 2022 |
Project scoping and design support begins | September 2022 |
Project scoping completed, project reviews begin | October – December 2022 |
Implementation awards announced, agreements executed | Early 2023 |

View the Design Support Program projects including applicant organizations, regions and estimated budgets.
Project Name | Organization | Region | Estimated budget |
Sugarhouse Bayou Outfall | Town of Colfax | 1 | $1.36 million |
Sherman Lake Flood Storage | Town of Columbia | 2 | $5.98 million |
Hodge Drainage Improvements | Village of Hodge | 2 | $1.57 million |
Glenn Ditch Pumping Station | Town of Jonesville | 2 | $1.96 million |
Cypress Detention (South) | City of West Monroe | 3 | $1.28 million |
James Addition Drainage | Town of Farmerville | 3 | $1.5 million |
Salter Street Stormwater Retention | Town of Delhi | 3 | $3 million |
West Parkview Drainage Improvements | City of Monroe | 3 | $3.25 million |
Ash Slough Drainage Improvements | Franklin Parish | 3 | $3.87 million |
Highway 33 Ditch Hardening | Town of Farmerville | 3 | $2.3 million |
Gulley Street Drainage | Town of Farmerville | 3 | $1.26 million |
Staulkinghead Creek Rehabilitation | Morehouse Parish | 3 | $5 million |
Nixon Addition Drainage Improvements | Town of Kinder | 4 | $3.57 million |
East Side Drainage Improvements | City of Bunkie | 5 | $3.66 million |
Anslem Coulee Regional Detention Pond | City of Youngsville | 5 | $3.56 million |
Oak Park Drainage Improvements | City of Oakdale | 5 | $10.3 million |
Fullers Park Drainage Improvements | City of Oakdale | 5 | $6.9 million |
East Side Drainage Improvements | Village of Hessmer | 5 | $2.25 million |
West Side Drainage Improvements | City of Bunkie | 5 | $2.7 million |
Parishwide Drainage Improvements | St. James Parish | 6 | $814,244 |
Cancienne Canal Floodplain Preservation | Assumption Parish | 6 | $4.29 million |
New Pump Station Construction | Lafourche Parish | 6 | $1.59 million |
Upper Terrebonne Basin Drainage Improvements | Upper Delta Soil & Water Conservation District | 6 | $9.17 million |
Covington Lift Station Panel Elevations | City of Covington | 7 | $2.6 million |
Jones Vaughn Creek Bridge | West Feliciana Parish | 7 | $1.4 million |
Dawson Creek Drainage Improvements | East Baton Rouge Parish MOHSEP | 7 | $8.26 million |
Ormond Area Flood Mitigation Project | St. Charles Parish | 8 | $6 million |
Phase 1 of Round 2 offers a $100 million funding opportunity for local and regional projects that benefit low- to moderate-income populations and HUD-identified most impacted and distressed areas, per federal grant requirements.
Event | Date |
Project application period begins | January 2023 |
Project application deadline | Two months after application period begins |
Funding awards announced | Late spring 2023 |
Round 3
Round 3 will award flood risk reduction projects justified by completed watershed models and nature-based solutions tools.